Génome, Phénotype et Population
25 heures / 3 ECTS
The first part of the unit begins with reminders in population genetics and quantitative genetics followed by conferences illustrating different areas of evolutionary genomics. The conferences draw on examples of current research to illustrate both the fundamental and more applied aspects of evolutionary genomics, such as varietal selection methods based on genomics in agronomy, genomics of disease vector species in humans, predictive medicine and environmental genomics.
The second part of the EU consists of each student writing a research project in the field of evolutionary genomics on a theme chosen by the student. The students will be inspired by the format of the responses to the calls for projects of the ANR, the National Research Agency and will be supported in their approach by the teachers responsible for the teaching unit.
Genomes, Phenotypes, Populations is intended for students wishing to deepen their knowledge of evolutionary genomics and gain first-hand experience in creating an original research project in this field. Prior training in population genetics and evolutionary biology will be appreciated but non-mandatory.
At the end of this course, students will be able to
- describe and assess genetic diversity at different scales and link these diversities together
- formulate a scientific question in evolutionary genomics and propose an adapted methodology (sampling, analysis tools, data processing) to answer it
- critically analyze research work
- design and write a research project
Pedagogical methods (face-to-face, non-face-to-face, internship, etc.): face-to-face (courses and conferences) and non-face-to-face (working independently on the development of a scientific project).
Knowledge test procedures: Students are evaluated using a written report and an oral presentation.
Responsables de l'UE 'Génome, Phénotype et Population'
Myriam Harry (Paris-Saclay)
Emmanuelle Baudry (Paris-Saclay)
L'équipe pédagogique
Emmanuelle Baudry
Didier Casane
Amandine Cornille
Marianne Elias
Myriam Harry
Fanny Hartmann
Arnaud Le Rouzic
Stéphane Nicolas
Nicolas Pollet
Dominique de Vienne